Why Pen Pals Are Priceless on the Journey of Life

Franci Neely
2 min readJun 15, 2022


I’ve had the privilege of traveling to some fascinating places, including Spain, India, and London. Every place I’ve visited left an imprint on my soul. I’ve been especially lucky to have met some amazing people along the way. It’s been a cultural awakening.

I will never forget a trip I took to the Philippines. I met a woman named Virginia and her daughter. I was particularly inspired by the duo. Standing in this remote village surrounded by gorgeous, green rice terraces, we bonded and I was inspired to gift her a necklace I was wearing. At first, Virginia felt she couldn’t accept the necklace, but I wanted nothing in return except her friendship. We became friends and her daughter writes to me on her behalf. Virginia later gifted me a very special ethnic hat from her grandfather and it’s something I will always cherish. I happen to collect ethnic hats from around the world.

I’ve had several other encounters with remarkable people all over the planet. I was thoroughly enchanted with the people of Iran. I visited multiple cities there and the locals totally welcomed me.

I made an unforgettable pen pal in Hong Kong. I was enjoying some Peking duck for lunch when a little girl became absolutely fascinated with me. She didn’t speak English but she was quite curious about me. She was around 6 years old at the time. Her family wanted to ensure she wasn’t disturbing me, which of course she wasn’t, so we exchanged addresses and have stayed in touch for about 30 years. I consider her a goddaughter now and we’ve visited each other several times.

I’ve also made interesting pen pals in Indonesia and Cameroon.

I’m deeply devoted to giving back to important causes that are close to my heart. It really makes this journey of life more fulfilling every step of the way. I’ve been so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people. I never take these marvelous family members and friends for granted. I feel we’re all here to be proactive and compassionate and help each other whenever possible. You never know what someone is going through, so I’ve learned that reacting with kindness is the only way. Travel lightly through the adventure of life. Cherish all the unspoken moments in between.

Be open to making exploration of new places a priority. Always be willing to give more than you receive and learn from all the incredible people you meet along the way. I believe everyone comes into our lives for a reason and they often have something significant to teach us. They’re part of the unique fabric of your life and, in turn, you become a part of theirs. Live and give with everything you’ve got and you’ll be living your best life.



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